Thursday, March 6, 2008

Beginning of the Tale

Handsome Panda,

How did this happen?

You understand my riddles with clairity. You pick up on the little change in my voice when I’m sleepy. You can make me laugh with the silliest of inside jokes even through tears. You can describe my facial expressions for each emotion. The simple sound of your voice on the line makes my heart skip. Your dramatic eyes entrance me. I adore you.

Yet…we have never met. Time is captured in dreams while we sleep over 1,200 miles apart.

I’m not sure how two people with such diverse backgrounds, differences and distance can become best friends, but just maybe, it was just meant to be that way. To me it feels as natural as lemonade on a hot summer day or the taste of peanut butter and jelly. Something here is just…“right”.

We have a story that is being written day after day. I’m sure we can’t be alone in this world of love and wonderment. Someone will read it.

Here begins the first post of the tale…hoping there is never an ending.

Pretty Panda