Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Forever Yours

Dear Handsome Panda,

Beautiful. Amazing. Unbelievable. Glorious. There are not enough words in the human lexicon to describe the way you make me feel because you love me. The only thing I can do is tell you “I love you” and continue to hold on to each second that I have with you.

It is winter once again, and even though we don’t have any “official” date I can’t help but feel like we are approaching some undefined landmark. I’ve known for more than a year now that you were the only man I want to let into the deepest part of my being. The man that I want to spend my eternity snuggled into safe and warmed by your love. We have no date to commemorate, but at least we have the deep link we have into each other’s hearts to celebrate.

Eight days will past and soon you will be back in my world walking with me hand-in-hand. The hours can’t pass fast enough to the point when I see you walk back airport security and back into my arms again. For just 4 days you will be mine again. The thought of it all keeps my sun rising and setting each day. You are my happiness.

Whether or not we have any date to say for certain, I can say that a year of loving you has been the best year of my life. I can’t wait to see our time merge and become one.

I love you so much my darling! Forever yours...


Pretty Panda