Monday, March 24, 2008

So Begins the Journey

Dear Pretty Panda,

I can not express into words the joy you bring to me. You make strive to be even better than I am, and than what I believe I can do. Your laughter brings and warm sayings make my heart happy beyond compare. All the little things you do show your deep affection for me. I must say that I am blessed beyond compare to have someone like you in my life. Your values and morals far exceed any girl I have met. Tho we have yet met there is a special bond between us.

It has almost been a week since I sent you a special package filled with trinkets, and clothing from Arizona. I hope things contained within the package make you feel special and amazing, for you truly are. Are late night talks from one extreme to the other, from silly to seriousness are something I will hold deep in my heart.

I’m deeply apologize for the lateness of this post as I found it hard to even find the words to express the feeling and joy you bring to me. Even now I feel that the words written in this post cant even come close to amazing, smart, and beautiful person that you are. So now begins our amazing and wonderful journey together minutes and miles away from each other but yet so close and lost in the moment.


Handsome Panda